Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Making amends...

...for having horrible posting habits. OK so yesterday I wasn't actually connected to the internet but the day before I was merely tired. However today I am awake so I shall attempt to do some catch-up!

Christmas Day: absolutely wonderful for the most part, apart from my aunt trying to kill me by enforced spacehopping. She decided that afternoon exercise was the perfect thing to follow up Christmas lunch. I thought it sounded like a nice idea until I noticed the spacehopper and by then it was too late! I fell over twice, I was so surprised it wasn't more! I felt like death afterwards - never again! Though I kept my cracker-hat on the whole way round, I was very proud! But I love seeing my family and it's been so great.

Boxing Day: my *real* aunt and uncle came over - I spent Christmas Day with step family - with their three girls and it was so good to see them all again. Ruth (my step-mum) had mentioned that the younger cousins often don't hang out with the two younger kids so they get a bit ignored. But that didn't really this time around. And as I mentioned we played Charades. One of my favourite games I should think, real good fun and when there's 11 people playing it's much more interesting!

Saturday: I went to the birthday party of a friend I've known since I was born. I mostly hung out with her crazy uni friends though 'cos she was playing a perfect hostess but they were good fun so it was a laugh :)

Sunday: hung out with Josh and his giiiiiiiiiiiiirlfriend. Finally discovered that Waterstones has surpassed Borders in my esteem. Borders has begun to fail me sadly, just before Christmas it had either no copies or not the right copies of books by three different authors and then on Sunday I found out that they've moved the Mind, Body and Spirit section from a really big section to about three bookshelves which are completely disorganised. It's so tempting to go in and sercretly organise them! We then went to Waterstones which had a nice big MBS section plus one of the books I wanted - and a whole girl/vampire section within the horror section! What more could you want?

OH! And I went to starbucks!!!!! And it was goooooooooooood :D

Monday: Did bugger all really, fell out with Dad because he's got leftover stress from dealing with my brother so I told him that wasn't fair and let slip that I hated Holland. Not good. But we patched things up as best you can when you have to leave in fifteen minutes to go to the other parent's house for three days. We also had "Christmas" at my mum's which was lovely, I got a shmexy camera bag :D:D And a whole bunch of cook books and some pagan books so I'm totally chuffed. My mum and her partner liked their presents too so I'm very glad!

Today: Went to see my Nan in Derby. She's fair crazy, in the not-actually-lost-any-sense way you know? We went to lunch at a nice restaurant and - for some reason - talked a helluva lot about Josh's sex life. Which was weird. Still it was a laugh and she took it all in her stride and now she's going to tell my Uncle Kevin that we talked about it and soon it'll go through the whole family mwahahaha. I also got to see pictures of my little baby cousin. She's just seven months old now and quite a cutie!

Can't guarantee a post tomorrow but we shall see! I think that is a fair round up, I do mean to get back into the swing of posting daily but I always knew it'd be tough to keep it up over Christmas so there we go.

Have lovely New Years everybody. Night night x

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