Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I did it! I got my arse in gear and wrote 728 words! Go me, they're from (if the story stays as a trilogy) somewhere in the last book, if not the first chapter. I'm sure writing writing non-linearly across a potential trilogy is a bad idea but I just wasn't able to get into the beginning stuff. It's going to need some editing because though all narrative I was making up the story a sentence or two in advance. I like the direction the story took though. It's pretty good. Interesting too :D Yay for having your hand controlled by a story rather than over thinking things :D

Other interesting stuff happened probably today. iMovies has become one of the banes of my existence - along with FedEx - by being obtuse, weird and difficult. If you have a Mac and ever decide to buy Snapz Pro X to do screencasts with which you can edit in iMovie ALWAYS set the file type to something other than the default. You do it when saving, change it from Animation to MPeg 4 or whatever you want. Otherwise iMovie thinks that it is protected content and won't export it. Well... it will, it exports a movie that's all black - not very useful you can imagine. So now we need to do the screencast all over again. And Evout and I are finally giving up on finding test data, we've found some numbers and now we're just going to get coding 'cos five or six days of googling stuff can actually drive you mad. But anyway - things are actually *happening* at work now; coding, screencast stuff and pedro is going to force Matthias to condescend to helping me deploy the bloody program.

Ummmmm. Nothing else to say except 22 more sleeps till Christmas! And snow tomorrow hopefully. xx

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