Sunday, January 18, 2009


Yeah, I'm confused right now. You know how, when you're on your dashboard, there's a little counter that says how many posts you've... posted? Mine says 79 but I only have 64 "year in posts" tagged posts and five posts prior to that. I think I may have mis-tagged a couple since I started because I have more posts since I started the daily posting than are tagged as such. But only two. so that gets me to 71. Eight posts seems a pretty big discrepancy... Do comments count as posts? This is my theory but I'm not sure!

Anyway yeah, so that's confusing. Also I think the whole internet is on the blink, either I or various of my friends are signing in and out of msn. Now if we were all in the same place it'd be different. Obviously it's not possible but it's a scarily amusing theory.

Oh! I promised reviews! Bother, I have a few stacked up now. In reverse order then:

The Andromeda Strain
I thought this was great, very tense, I swear only read it half properly because I wanted to find out what happened. Very "scary" in the it-could-happen kind of scary way. If you're in to sci-fi I do recommend it! Having said that the ending was a bit of a let down. Given all the tension and the unknowns that people had to deal with and the bizarre and crazy deaths and stuff I thought something at least "vaguely" catastrophic was gonna happen. There were often times when it was mentioned that "It was 48 hours before he realised his mistake" as if this mistake was somehow crucial. Which it was... sort of. At least you thought so. Hopefully I haven't given away too much to make it not worth the read lol!

The Great Gatsby
This was an... odd story. It was, frustrating mostly, it didn't really seem to have much of a point to it I must admit. Some of the scenes were very interestingly described but yeah, not overly interesting. There were many occasions when dramatic stuff could happen, but something else half as dramatic happened instead. There were a couple of really big things but they weren't given due attention. I kinda ended up disliking the narrator for being so... non-committal about certain situations. And he has a vague love interest that fizzles out, most of the book just fizzled. That's how I felt it went anyways.

Argh! There was a third one I was supposed to give you but I've forgotten it!

I was slightly annoyed over something to do with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. I was the first one to finish it in my online book club but that's fine 'cos I can just make a thread for the book and start talking. So I wrote a great big long post about the things I felt were interesting, what was important. All that jazz. And the next person to finish - and possibly the only person who will read the story - said "My friends say I'm a robot".

Now, OK, this forum is a bit of a weird one. It's pretty eclectic and that comment isn't particularly out of place. But *she's* the person who set up the book club so we could discuss books and that's *all* she has to say about this one? OK, so I wrote a *lot* about that book but fine, ignore what I wrote! Write your own stuff, talk about the book at least. But no, that was her *only* comment. ARGH! People are frustrating! *looks miffed*

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