Thursday, November 20, 2008

Outer Space

So today I was reading paperback writer's latest post which was very very funny in itself and then I nosed through the comments and came across one about Galaxy Zoo 2. It's like a useful procrastination tool - why aren't you working? I'm helping scientists decide the shapes of galaxies. Oh... (Your conversation with your boss) It's great stuff! And the best thing is that they've got loads of people looking at the same pictures so you can just tell them what you think you see and then they make the comparisons - easy as pie! Mmmm pie.

I have to make a Boston Cream Pie soon I've decided. I used to live in Boston and it's definitely where I'd move to if I lived in America and Boston Cream Donuts are by far the best donuts ever. I dislike spelling it "donuts" but I feel that American doughnuts are, somehow, made differently and actually are a slightly different breed of pastry that the ones we have over here. But yes apart from sugar-glazed chocolate donuts, Boston Cream ones are the best *ever* and so I'd like to make a Boston Cream Pie one day. I'm not sure if that's before or after I try to recreate the Starbucks blueberry cheesecake. It's the yummiest! And seeing as how I've been without Starbucks cheesecake since August and generally without Starbucks since June (and, apart from brief trips to England, will still be without till next June) I think it's high time I start trying to make that cheesecake. I've been building up to it though. Before I got to Holland I made only one kind of cheesecake, an absolutely divine no-bake chocolate cheesecake. But since I've gotten here I have made three baked cheesecakes and I must be doing something right, I haven't had a single crack. The chocolate baileys one was also divine I must say. I'm going to have to print out all the good recipes and put them in a folder methinks. Today I made a lemon baked cheesecake that should be pretty darn good. So next step could be blueberry cheesecake with streusel topping - yippee! I'm not sure if I posted the link to the baileys cheesecake... It was so delicious!

So yes, at work I managed to not do work by making cake and then my supervisor told me he didn't have anymore test data for me at the moment, why don't I do these other things? And I almost jumped for joy - I never thought I'd be so happy to be given work lol. But I feel like I've been slacking and it's all the worse for being unintentional!

I founf out about another flat today, owned/leased by my friend which sounds luscious and possibly very expensive *sigh*

I wonder whether, after you've been blogging for a while, you start writing more interesting blogs, or more restrained ones. Take this blog for example. All I do is natter on about things that are interesting to me and things that are happening. So it's just my general musings - an online diary as it were. But then I have no readers so then I don't have to adhere to anyone's desires about what my blog should be about. I can just write up posts about nothing till I get bored of the sound of the keys clicking. But perhaps, when you get more readers or just when you've been doing this longer, the need for talking about your day drifts away. Or maybe that's why some people have two blogs, a diary type one and a more-focussed one. I already have two lol. But that was because I created a "work" one so I could put it on my LinkedIn profile which I was told I had to have. It's like a business facebook without the fun bits. Anyway so whatever work/computer related musings I have can go on there. The non-whiny bits anyway. I also wonder if every new blogger wonders this.

Ummm, the problem with posting this late (half ten) is that I've always forgotten by now the things that happened during the day that might be interesting! Although I do think today was a boring day generally speaking. This is a roundabout way of saying I've probably run out of things to say.


  1. I wouldn't say you have no readers. I poke my head in every now and then. I love the discussion of baking and writing, and keep trying to imagine living somewhere cool like Holland, instead of suburban US.

    As for whether blogging gets better with time: yes or no. I heard one writer speak about blogging vs writing, and how she set about "practicing" blogging in order to find her voice before beginning her real blog.

    For me, I started writing about my kids (or kid at the time). I'd post about any old thing that came to mind, which, with a baby, was always related to motherhood. Or sometimes cooking. Or work. Or how babies relate to work and cooking. "Write what you know" :)

    Don't know if my posting has gotten better over time or not. I'm not sure I care. I do it for the exercise of writing, and to have a place to share my thoughts, even if I don't think anyone's listening (on a very good day, I get up to about 30 visitors...and most of those are people I know in real life, or relatives). So I'm not exactly preaching to the masses.

    I guess what it comes down to is this: write what you like, what you feel like you should write. Unless you're actively trying to make money off your blog, don't worry so much about your audience. They will find you, or not, depending on their own whims.

  2. Aww see now I feel special. I felt it was better not to quantify my readership (word?) it wasn't a pity plea honest!

    I guess Holland technically is cool - I'd totally swap though. I miss Starbucks! And real supermarkets!

    Babies and work and cooking eh? I just did an article (still in the refinement process) about baking and software development so you might have something going for you there!

    I must say it's quite nice having a blog where you do just muse about life, the universe and everything. I'd just noticed that you often had quite short posts whereas mine talk about anything and everything so I wondered if brevity comes with blog experience or whether I talk too much and you have less time than me (very likely!) :D
