Saturday, January 30, 2010


So I deemed it time for a new post lest I forget again for months at a time.

The subject of today's post is: duh moments. I'm reading a book by Tamora Pierce for the umpteenth time, I love them, there are a few things wrong with them but they're great nonetheless. And the time-period she has set her books in is similar to the one I want to set mine in. And she mentioned 'homework by candlelight'. Now, I've worked by candlelight and it is a pain in the BUM. You need a good number of candles to get anything done be it work, reading or making lasagne. Seriously. So that reminded me that *my* characters would have to do work by candlelight. Damn. And then I remembered there was magic in my story so...why not have lights that work by magic? Brilliantly simple and, I suppose, so very obvious. I need to work out the specifics and I'm sure it won't actually come up in the book that often -if ever- but *I* need to know.

Any duh moments when writing you'd like to share?

Willow xx

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